Coverage Reports in a Snap.

Superpowers for PR Pros!

Save time and share coverage reports that impress your customers.

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Quickly generate a pr report

Craft Beautiful Coverage Reports

Send clip reports that do your work justice. A beautiful design that makes your earned media shine.

Wow Your Customers

Save Time

Focus on Getting Results

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Automatically create screenshots

Clipping on Autopilot

Simply add links to the media and ReachReport will take a screenshot of every article for you. You can also import your own images for offline coverage.

Get statistics about pages

Automagically Include All Data.

ReachReport will collect all key data for every link you add, such as estimated article views and social shares.

Try ReachReport Yourself.

Customers' reviews

Trish Varker-Milesluxury marketing communications and reputation management agency in Sydney

Before integrating ReachReport into our workflow, compiling comprehensive press reports was a time-consuming and often challenging task.

One standout feature is the tools ability to aggregate media coverage and social media metrics effortlessly. This not only saves us countless hours of manual data gathering, but also provides an overview of our campaigns' impact.

Trish Varker-Miles, Founder of TNA

Mark DevlinImpact PR, award-winning PR agency in AucklandImpact PR, award-winning PR agency in Auckland

ReachReport has been a game changer for us, intuitively producing aesthetically pleasing coverage reports within minutes, instead of hours. We are now able to create and update customised reports as the coverage is being published, improving our efficiency and client relationships.

This technology has automated one of the most laborious tasks faced by all PR agencies, giving us back more resource to focus on building our business.

Mark Devlin, managing director of Impact PR