Site traffic API

Are you looking for domain traffic estimates? Look no further, we have monthly site traffic estimates for millions of domains.

Our customers are PR agencies and communication professionals. They rely on ReachReport to estimate article views, make clips and show how many times a url has been shared on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest.

We used to mainly rely on Alexa for traffic estimates, but Amazon decided to sunset the service. So we developed our own and now have a database with millions of sites and their traffic.

API for public relations and site traffic

Our process for estimating website visits

We combine DNS requests from different data sets with domain specific signals (e.g. authority, age etc) to make traffic estimates.

What we can offer

  • Traffic estimates for millions of domains (Api documentation)

  • Share data on Facebook

  • Share data on Twitter

  • Share data on Pinterest

  • Instagram estimated post views

  • LinkedIn post data

  • Website clipping / screenshots

Interested? Please fill out this form and we will be in touch.

Sitetraffic API inquiry form